Fits Treatment in Vijayawada

Fits or seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can cause changes in an individual's behavior, movements, feelings, or levels of consciousness. They are a symptom of various underlying conditions, including epilepsy, stroke, brain injuries, or metabolic disorders. Seizures can range from brief and almost imperceptible to long-lasting and severe, with varying degrees of impact on an individual's daily life.

Epilepsy is one of the most commonly seen neurological condition by Neurology specialist in Vijayawada. It is characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures, and it can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. There are different types of epilepsy, and seizures can manifest in various ways, depending on the part of the brain affected and the specific pattern of electrical activity.

Generalized seizures involve both hemispheres of the brain and can be further classified into several categories by Best fits epilepsy doctors in Vijayawada:

  1. Tonic-clonic seizures (previously known as grand mal seizures) are the most well-known type of epilepsy, characterized by a loss of consciousness, stiffening of the muscles (tonic phase), followed by rhythmic contractions of the muscles (clonic phase). These seizures can last from a few minutes to several minutes and may result in injuries due to falls or loss of bladder control.
fits treatment in Vijayawada
  1. Absence seizures (previously called petit mal seizures) are brief, typically lasting less than 30 seconds. They are characterized by a sudden, brief interruption of consciousness, during which an individual may stare into space, blink their eyes rapidly, or smile involuntarily.
  2. Clonic seizures involve repeated, rhythmic muscle jerks, often affecting the neck, face, and extremities and need immediate treatment from Best doctors for fits in Vijayawada.
  3. Tonic seizures involve muscle stiffening, usually leading to a fall and loss of consciousness. These seizures are generally short-lived, lasting only a few seconds.
  4. Myoclonic seizures involve brief, shock-like muscle jerks, affecting various parts of the body. They can be focal (affecting one part of the body) or generalized (affecting the entire body).

Book an appointment today with Dr. Lavu Harish, at Harish Neuro Centre to know more on Fits treatment in Vijayawada